It’s so easy to dragged down by a current of negative emotions.

How often have you told yourself any of the following:

“I’m afraid that I’ll never...”

“It’s not the right time.”

“I’m so ashamed. Why do I feel this way?”

“I can’t believe I did that. I’m such a…”

Words have power.

That’s why I created this positive poetry based on self-love affirmations. Experience an immersion in words that will help you love yourself and your life.

How would you like to have a dose of encouragement at your fingertips to lift you up whenever you feel like the world going to hell in a hand-basket (and even the basket is falling apart)?

The book and audio are the more portable options, but certain poems have also become posters to decorate your home or office as a visual reminder.

To get the book: hop on over to Amazon.

To get the audio or posters: this comfy corner store has all you need.

We’re in this together.